Trace Burton served as the 2024 Course Director for the 42nd Annual Advanced Oil, Gas and Energy Resources Law CLE. The CLE provides 13 hours of MCLE credit, great speakers, and connections with peers in the same industry. Download Brochure

Trace Burton has been elected Chair of the Oil, Gas and Energy Resources Law (“OGERL”) Section of the State Bar of Texas at their Annual Meeting held in Dallas on June 21, 2024. OGERL was established in 1938 as the “Natural Resources Section” and is the oldest section of the State Bar of Texas. One of the largest and most active sections in the State Bar, OGERL has more than 3,000 members.

State Bar of Texas President-elect W. Stephen Benesh has appointed Jaime S. Rangel to serve as a member of the State Bar of Texas Pattern Jury Charges – Oil and Gas Committee. The Committee monitors statutory and case law developments in Texas Oil and Gas law and prepares supplementation for the Pattern Jury Charges as needed. The Committee consists of a balance of judges, and practitioners with demonstrated expertise in Oil and Gas law. Mr. Rangel will serve a three-year term on the Committee. View PDF

“On May 16, 2024, UFBWR’s litigation team led by Jaime S. Rangel and co-counsel M. Aldo Dyer and R. Shane Sillivent secured a hard fought Summary Judgment win against Defendant San Miguel Electric Cooperative, Inc. (SMEC) on behalf of a group of McMullen County land and mineral owners. The controlling issue decided by the Court was whether a 1931 Partition Deed reserved any rights to lignite. SMEC contended that the Partition Deed did reserve such rights and that it had the right to enter Plaintiffs’ lands in order to mine lignite. In granting Plaintiffs’ Motion for Summary Judgment, and denying…

Trace Burton has been elected Chair Elect of the Oil, Gas and Energy Resources Law ("OGERL") Section of the State Bar of Texas. OGERL was established in 1938 as the "Natural Resources Section" and is the oldest section of the State Bar of Texas. One of the largest and most active sections in the State Bar, OGERL has more than 3,000 members.
Anson Howard with Uhl Fitzsimmons will present on the topic of Soil Carbon Storage Contracts at the Profitability and Sustainability in Ranching Symposium on June 17, 2022 at the Angelo State University MIR Center in San Angelo, Texas. If you would like more information, or would like to register, click on the following link: Profitability and Sustainability in Ranching (June 16-17, 2022) - Registration - Products - Texas A&M University eStore (flywire.com)<https://tamu.estore.flywire.com/products/profitability-and-sustainability-in-ranching-37823>
Anson Howard to present at the Profitability and Sustainability in Ranching Symposium in San Angelo, Texas. https://www.uhlfitzsimons.com/brown-fitzsimons-present-at-14th-annual-john-huffaker-ag-law-course/
Anson Howard with Uhl Fitzsimmons will present on the topic of "Carbon Capture and Storage and Soil Carbon Storage" at the 24th Annual Texas Bar CLE Summer School Course on July 21, 2022 at Moody Gardens in Galveston, Texas. If you would like more information, or would like to register, click on the following link: TexasBarCLE - Texas Continuing Legal Education
Uhl Fitzsimons attorneys Parks Brown and Anson Howard will present at the 15th Annual John Huffaker Agricultural Law Course in Lubbock, Texas on May 26, 2022. Parks Brown will present on the legal considerations of stacking wind, solar, oil and gas, carbon capture and storage, and other operations on the same property. Anson Howard will present on the legal considerations of a soil carbon storage contract. The seminar will be hosted by the Texas Bar as a virtual webcast event. If you would like more information, or would like to register, click on the following link: TexasBarCLE - Texas Continuing…